The elements of HTML

Title Content More
The root element (html) URL
Document metadata (head, title, base, link, meta, style) URL
Sections (body, article, section, nav, aside, h1-h6, header, footer, address) URL Diagram
Grouping content (p, hr, pre, blockquote, ol, ul, li, dl, dt, dd, figure, figcaption, main, div) URL
Text-level semantics (a, em, strong, small, s, cite, q, dfn, abbr, ruby, rb, rt, rtc, rp, data, time, code, var, samp, kbd, sub, sup, i, b, u, mark, bdi, bdo, span, br, wbr) URL Usage summary
Edits (ins, del) URL
Embedded content (picture, img, iframe, embed, object, param, video, audio, source, track, map, area) URL
Tabular data (table, caption, colgroup, col, tbody, thead, tfoot, tr, td, th) URL Examples
Forms (form, label, input, button, select, datalist, optgroup, option, textarea, keygen, output, progress, meter, fieldset, legend) URL Input examples
Interactive elements (details, summary, menu, menuitem) URL
Scripting (script, noscript, template, canvas) URL

Note: some of these elements will be implemented in class.


Curso creado por Manuel Ignacio López Quintero bajo esta licencia.