Manuel Ignacio López Quintero

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GNU/Linux commands

This is a compilation of my GNU/Linux commands I consider useful.

  1. Navigation
  2. Help
  3. File manipulation
  4. File visualization
  5. File information
  6. Administration
  7. Execution
  8. Redirection
  9. Bash shortcuts
  10. APT
  11. Processes
  12. Users
  13. File permissions
  14. Disk and devices
  15. Compression
  16. Net
  17. Find
  18. Git
  19. SVN
  20. FFmpeg
  21. Screen
  22. PDFtk

2. Help ()

3. File manipulation ()

4. File visualization ()

5. File information ()

6. Administration ()

7. Execution ()

8. Redirection ()

9. Bash shortcuts ()

10. APT ()

11. Processes ()

12. Users ()

13. File permissions and ownership ()

14. Disk and devices ()

15. Compression and decompression ()

Execute sudo apt-get install p7zip-full or yum install p7zip to install 7-Zip.

16. Net ()

17. Find ()

18. Git ()

Execute sudo apt-get install git or yum install git to install Git.

19. Subversion (SVN) ()

Run sudo apt-get install subversion or yum install subversion to install SVN.

20. FFmpeg ()

Run sudo apt-get install ffmpeg to install FFmpeg.

21. Screen ()

Run sudo apt-get install screen or yum install screen to install Screen.

22. PDFtk ()

Run sudo apt-get install pdftk to install PDFtk.

Many of the descriptions of the commands are from their manual pages.

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